Member-only story
Yes — Voting was still the right thing to do
To test drive 2017 American democracy, and see what’s really wrong
Set aside the fear of being wrong, the reactive act of defending opinion — it was the right thing to do. It was needed. This is, this was, all needed.
We approach 2018 spending much of 2017 reeling and angry and at odds with each other. Our factions entered chambers where they heard their own echoes and further simplified their views and minds as horrendous amounts of content and data with click and tap-ready trigger words flooded our experience. We are, once again, testing our rebound skills.
It was not a lost year. It is not a dystopia. Resets and apocalypses (ἀποκάλυψις) — they hurt.
Why is it ok?
Well, it may never be. We learned a hell of a lot about ourselves, our “United” States, and the rest of the world.
We’re playing catchup in coming to peace with our history. As time marches, we discover more — more to face, more created in ways we did not concede.
Hindsight hurts when you try to look back as you walk forward.
Your neck strains as the clarity of…