Moderation and balance — how key.
With a little hacking, we can also earn new pleasures from the same foundations.
The toxins in red wine: alcohol (main one), sulfites, mycotoxins (mold)
The toxins in chocolate: sugar (main one), mycotoxins (depending on where/how it’s prepared)
…and others I’m missing.
Take away the alcohol, and you take away a big part of the experience. There’s still flavor and subtle sensation to explore; the expected experience is muted.
Take away sugar from chocolate, and you lose they initial sweet rush. You gain appreciation of the richness of the cocoa butter, you feel the caffeine creep in and light up your neurons alongside theobromine’s delightful nootropic activity and antioxidation.
Resveratrol can be had in effective doses via supplementation. Pounding bottles of wine or bars of chocolate is not the way to reach that level.
Finding the pleasure when you take away the toxic elements and their expected sensations is an exploration I much enjoy — with 90%+ dark chocolate at least. We all have our Bite of the Day.