I am a product of stubborn beliefs in a universal struggle, a vision of solidarity which refused to acknowledge racism as anything more than a tool used by the Haves to divide and recent the collective power of the Have Nots. Now a powerful question hangs a frame: What is the at the core of the mechanism, the philosophy of inter/intra-white division and the promotion of competition?
Appreciate your writing, and your diligence in response and dialogue. I am grateful to have found this particular piece at this particular time.
My understanding of classism, the nature and roots of its divisions, and the origins of revolutionary movements has iterated and changed, has been challenged by re-reads of history and the assumptions encoded by generations of a family’s labor consciousness. The IWW, Eugene Debs, the steelworkers, the UE, the aspirational conventions and constitutions declared a leap to utopian equality without equity. They proclaimed unity and solidarity without confronting race and racism and whiteness — only to say it didn't matter now. On to strikes and collective action against a common enemy without re-dissecting the tools and means of division.